Welcome to TTP·Lib
TTP·Lib is a library of test instances for the Track Allocation Problem initiated during the "Trassenbörse"-Project. Our vision is that TTPLib becomes an important portal for everyone working on the Track Allocation Problem also known as Train Timetabling Problem. For this purpose we want to establish an library of test instances including informations like bounds, best known solutions et cetera.
In addition we provide TraVis, a visualization tool based on JavaView. Mathias Kinder and Berkan Erol developed this tool at ZIB to visualize train timetabling problems in 3d; getting some useful insights. We cordially invite you to download and use this instrument.
TTP·Lib is maintained at ZIB by Ralf Borndörfer, Berkan Erol and Thomas Schlechte and has been launched 05/01/2008. Special thanks to Martin Balser, Anke Reuther, Sören Schultz, Andreas Tanner and Christian Weise for preparing the instances of version 2008.
We also thank Steven Harrod for providing his instances from the US. The transformed XML-files can be downloaded here.
To attain this goal we require your help!
TTP·Lib is only useful if it is kept up-to-date and enhanced by its user. You can help us in various ways, e.g.- submitting new test instances,
- submitting new solutions or dual bounds for existing test instances,
- using test instances from the TTPLib in your computational studies,
- using visualization tool TraVis,
- submitting new entries or corrections to the bibliography or the conference list,
- joining our E-mail list ttplib
- referencing TTPLib and TraVis in your papers,
If you have any further information or comments to improve TTP·Lib, please do not hesitate and e-mail
directly to ttplib-webmasterzib.de.